Unlock the Hidden Powers of Coffee: How This Miracle Elixir Can Transform Your Life!
The Coffee Revolution: How One Simple Change Can Supercharge Your Day!
Rise N Grind, it’s COFFEE Time! So, let’s take a break and Expresso yourself. Now, you can guess it! Hahahahah, Yes today we will talk about Coffee. So welcome back with the series of Incredible Bharat truly presented by Growth Biz. – Coffee is one of the popular beverage brewed from the roasted and ground seeds of the tropical evergreen plants of African Origin and also one of the most profitable international commodities. – Colombia is probably the world’s best known coffee producer and rank 2nd Worldwide in yearly production. – Let’s talk about the birthplace of coffee in India – It was introduced during the late seventeenth century. The story goes with Baba Budan – who smuggled seven beans back to India from Yemen in 1670 (it was illegal to take coffee seeds out of Arabia at the time) and planted them in the Chandragiri hills of Karnataka. – If we talk about growth of coffee in India – Then , Karnataka and Kerala together account for around 90% of total coffee production in India. – And the 3rd highest coffee production state is Tamil Nadu which accounts around 5%. – Coffee is also grown in Northeast in India, Odisha and Andra Pradesh. – Benefits of Coffee:- -Increased heart rate -Raised blood pressure -Anxiety -Trouble falling asleep -You could live longer. -Your body may process glucose (or sugar) better. -Your liver will thank you. -Your DNA will be stronger -Protect against Type 2 diabetes. -coffee also aid weight loss by triggering calorie burning or suppressing appetite. – India exports coffee to more than 50 countries around the world. Italy, Germany, Belgium, and the Russian Federation are the largest importers of coffee from India, with an average total share of about 45%. – The other coffee importing countries are Libya, Poland, Jordan, Malaysia, the US, Slovenia, and Australia. – During the 2022/23 period, global coffee imports amounted to a total of 137 million 60-kilogram bags. – In the same period, around 140 million bags were exported worldwide.